On January 23, 2020, the 'Pacific Regional Integration Support' Programme (PRISE) was signed. The PRISE programme aims to support greater circular economic integration among the small and scattered countries of the region, and between the Pacific Region and the global economy. The PRISE Programme will be executed through four different contribution agreements between the European Commission and four lead implementing partners, with six primary deliverables. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will oversee and execute PRISE Output 1.1, titled "Improving Pacific Islands Customs and Trade" (IMPACT). The ultimate goal of IMPACT is to stimulate and expand intra-regional and international trade through harmonization of system across the Pacific to facilitate electronic data exchange and future interface.

ASYCUDAWorld deploying countries under IMPACT Project


Capital: Palikir, Area: 271 mi², Population: 113,131 (2021) World Bank, Official language: English, Currency: United States Dollar, Continent: Oceania 1.


Capital: Ngerulmud, Area: 177 mi², Population: 18,024 (2021) World Bank, Official languages: Palauan, English, Currency: United States Dollar, Continent: Oceania1.


Capital: Majuro, Area: 69.88 mi², Population: 42,050 (2021) World Bank, Official languages: Marshallese, English, Currency: United States Dollar, Continent: Oceania1.


ASYCUDA is a computerized Customs management system that covers most foreign trade procedures. It handles manifests and Customs declarations, accounting procedures, transit and suspense procedures. It also generates trade data that can be used for statistical economic analysis. The ASYCUDA software is developed in Geneva by UNCTAD. ASYCUDA takes into account the international codes and standards developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), WCO (World Customs Organization) and the United Nations. It can be configured to suit the national characteristics of individual Customs regimes, national tariffs and legislation. ASYCUDA provides Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between traders and Customs using prevailing standards such as XML.

UNCTAD, EU join forces to boost Pacific trade

A new project is poised to help countries in the region generate efficiencies in customs clearance processes and reap the rewards of easier international trade..

Digital signing ceremony of the project agreement.

ASYCUDA Support Mechanism for the Pacific

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- Jayvee Santos Regional Coordinator - ASYCUDA.


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- Sujiro Seam, EU ambassador for the Pacific EUROPEAN UNION

Oceania Customs Organization.

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